
A string token is an rvalue passed to a function template which customizes the return type of the function and also controls how a modifiable character buffer is obtained and presented. The string token’s lifetime extends only for the duration of the function call in which it appears as a parameter. A string token cannot be copied, moved, or assigned, and must be destroyed when the function returns or throws.


In this table:

  • T is a type meeting the requirements of StringToken

  • t is an rvalue reference of type T

  • n is a value of type std::size_t

Expression Result Semantics, Pre/Post-conditions

std::derived_from<T, string_token::arg>


All string tokens must be publicly and unambiguously derived from string_token::arg.


This type determines the return type of functions which accept a string token.



This function overrides the virtual function in the base. It must return a pointer to a character buffer of at least size n, otherwise throw an exception.



This function is invoked by the algorithm to receive the result from the string token. It is only invoked if prepare returned successfuly and the string token was not destroyed.

Algorithm Requirements

When an algorithm accepts a string token, it must meet these requirements:

  • prepare is called only once or not at all,

  • result is only called after prepare returns successfully, and

  • The string token is destroyed when the algorithm completes or if an exception is thrown.

String tokens cannot be reused.


String token prototype:

struct StringToken : string_token::arg
    using result_type = std::string;

    char* prepare( std::size_t n ) override;

    result_type result();

Algorithm prototype:

namespace detail {

// Algorithm implementation may be placed
// out of line, and written as an ordinary
// function (no template required).

void algorithm_impl( string_token::arg& token )
    std::size_t n = 0;

    // calculate space needed in cpp:n[]

    // acquire a destination buffer
    char* dest = token.prepare( n );

    // write the characters to the buffer

} // detail

// public interface is a function template,
// defaulting to return cpp:std::string[].

template< class StringToken = string_token::return_string >
algorithm( StringToken&& token = {} ) ->
    typename StringToken::result_type
    // invoke the algorithm with the token
    algorithm_impl( token );

    // return the result from the token
    return token.result();
